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Monday 22 June 2015


You want to hack someone's fb account easily without them having to know? No advanced computer knowledge needed!!!


  1. Log in to your fb account
  2. On the search tool, type the username of the A/C you want to hack
  3. With the window(as described above) opened, go to address bar and copy the address: hint-it should end with the username whose account is to be hacked eg if hacking Elias Ndaru, it should appear like this:
  4. Click  HERE and paste the link onto the username location
  5. click  Hack account and wait.....
  6. Done... and enjoy
More hacking tricks coming......, It worked for me. 
NB, Am not responsible for any damage done onto your account. If your account gets hacked,well not my fault.

Outdated! Might not work for you!